
IES College of Engineering, Thrissur provides hostel facilities for both girls and boys. The hostels are under the control of the Principal, IES College of Engineering. There are Wardens and Assistant Wardens, Matrons to assist in the smooth running of the hostels. The hostel is a place where many students coming from different backgrounds stay together. Living in a hostel requires inmates to take responsibility for one’s actions and the impact on the experience of others with whom they live. This makes it essential to observe certain rules and regulations and adhere to the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

  • Hostlers are not allowed to stay outside in the night at any circumstances.

  • Hostel is an integral part of the institution. Any action of indiscipline in the hostel may also attract punishment from the institution.

  • Ragging in any form is a cognizable offence and severely punishable as per the Supreme Court directives leading to expulsion from the Hostel and the disciplinary action may culminate in his/her expulsion from the Institute as well. As per the Act the Institute administration is bound to report incidents of ragging to the Police for taking appropriate action under the law.

  • Students are prohibited from consuming alcoholic drinks, drugs, cigarettes, tobacco products or any other intoxicants inside the hostel or to enter the hostel after consuming the same. Any student found consuming such thing or in a drunken state in the hostel will render himself liable for strict disciplinary action, including expulsion/rustication from Hostel/Institute.

A​ll the inmates of the hostel are bound to abide by the rules and regulations formulated by the Principal / Chief Warden from time to time.

Food Serving time

  Time on working days Time on holidays
Breakfast 07.30 am - 08.30 am 07.30 am - 08.30 am
Lunch 12.30 pm - 01.30 pm 12.30 pm - 01.30 pm
Evening tea/snacks 04.30 pm - 05.45 pm 04.00 pm - 05.00 pm
Dinner 07.30 pm - 08.30 pm 07.30 pm - 08.30 pm


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