M.Tech Programmes

Geotechnical Engineering (dept. of civil engineering)

The never-ending need for infrastructure has forced development to take place in unsuitable ground and environmental conditions. Construction projects coming up in adverse ground conditions require experts with thorough understanding of geotechnical engineering for providing proper foundations for the proposed structures. IES College of Engineering has recognized the importance of Geotechnical Engineering and considering it as a social responsibility, took necessary steps to introduce M. Tech. Geotechnical Engineering course in the department of Civil Engineering. IESCE is the first self-financing college to offer this course in Kerala. It is the second college in the state to offer this course.

The innovative methods of study in real life situations help the students get a good exposure to practical problems and their solutions. Students are given thorough training in surveying, planning, analysis, design and cost estimation of Civil Engineering structures including industrial buildings through intensive practical classes, mini and major projects, survey camps, field visits and project work. Experts in the field of Geotechnical Engineering conduct regular sessions/seminars for the students as well as faculty members.


The aim of the Master’s programmes in Computer Science and Engineering is to train the students with deep theoretical and practical knowledge. Such knowledge will enable them to tackle complex problems of design and development in industrial fields, as well as to help them pursue further academic achievements through research.

The programme is designed to impart knowledge and skills through course work, seminars and projects, thesis work and thus caters to the needs of the Industry, R & D organizations and educational institutions.



The PG in VLSI Design is aimed at developing experts with foci on technical capabilities and to impart training in designing complex circuits. The course aims to introduce students to the design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) microelectronic circuits, focusing on back-end integrated circuit design (custom transistor-level layout as well as design flow based on standard cells) using the latest Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools. VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) has emerged as a very important technology in modern electronics featuring deep sub-micron manufacturing processes, low voltage operations, smart programmable devices and exploding speeds sufficient enough to digest ambient conditions to extremes. VLSI under M. Tech aims at exploring areas in system designing including algorithms, system architecture, hardware description languages, physical designing, simulation and synthesis, and verification or testing techniques.

PG VLSI Design laboratory is equipped with most modern design tools like Xilinx, Cadence Softwares, Digilent FPGA kits etc.

The department conducts regular seminars /workshops to upgrade the knowledge of the staff and impart the same to the students.

Cadence,CoreEL Technologies, HCL, ST Microelectronics, and Wipro are among the major recruiters of candidates acquiring M. Tech in this area.


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