Students Says

B.Tech (ME),


B. Tech Mechanical Engineering - Today, I am truly following my dream and passion in the Mechanical sphere and I owe it entirely to my academic stint – B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at IESCE . The college gave me the opportunity to explore the mechanical domain which most students never experience as it provided the best of the practical implementations of the concepts to the students through its state of the art modern lab facilities. Moreover, the camaraderie and experiences, I enjoyed as a student in IESCE has blessed me with lifelong friends and unforgettable treasured memories. IESCE taught me to never stop yearning for knowledge and has given me confidence to take up higher studies in an international setting.I have become an independent individual and am equipped with the skills necessary to be positive and confident to face the social world ahead of me.

Reshma Johson
B.Tech (EC),


I loved my time at IESCE as the studies really stimulated me and I found it highly rewarding. Apart from top academic facilities, the department offers a friendly atmosphere as cultural and technical events are an inextricable part of life at IESCE. At the Department of Electronics and Communication, I found an excellent team of faculty and a great level of interaction. What really appealed to me was the teaching methodology which was an ideal mix of theory and practical knowledge as the faculty facilitated the learning of the complex concepts in electronical and communication as they approached the topics in a comprehensible but interesting style. The strong industry partnerships enabled me to experience engineering in an industry context and hone my skills at the deaprtment’s up to date labs. It enabled me to network with industry leaders as a participant in international conferences and competitions and also lands a job opportunity with one of the top ranked multi national organizations.

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