Quiz Programme Conducted in Association with National Voters’ Day

Date: 23rd February 2019



The Government of India had mandated higher educational institutions to promote awareness of National Voter’s Day -25th January so as to encourage more young voters to participate effectively in the electoral process.In connection with this, the Literary and Science Club-Department of S&H, and the Ethics Committee, IES College of Engineering organized a Quiz programme on the significance and spread of the right to vote movement all over the world with special focus on India, for the students on 16th February, 2019(Saturday), at 11a.m. in the Seminar Hall (Room No 108). Mr Jacob J., HOD of the Department of Science and Humanities inaugurated the programme and conveyed the significance of universal adult franchise.Ten teams comprising of two students in each team participated from the various departments in the preliminary rounds. Four teams qualified for the final session. Ms Christeena and Ms. Fathima Safana from the Department of Civil Engineering were adjudged as the winners and Mr Gayos and Mr Abishekh from the Department of Mechanical Engineering were the runners up of the event.The event was an eye opener into the history and evolution of the adult franchise movement and the various personas and entities that contributed into making India a robust democratic nation of today.

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